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Victorian Weapons Exemption List Update 05 June 2014

Posted 6/6/2014


As of 05 June 2014; ARA Members now have an exemption to:

  1. Bring into Victoria, or cause to be brought or sent into Victoria,
  2. display or advertise for sale, sell, purchase,
  3. possess, use or carry

swords and/or daggers for the purpose of studying and participating in the re-enactment of historical or cultural events (which is what ARA members do for a hobby)

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Victorian Control of Weapons Exemption List Update

Posted 5/23/2014

05 June 2014 is the day!

We have  received written confirmation that ARA will have their Victorian Control of Weapons Exemption granted on 05 June 2014.

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Upcoming Events in 2014

Posted 4/23/2014

2014 is shaping up to be a busy year for ARA Members and their affiliate groups.

Below is a selection of events that we have just added to the ARA Calendar.

We will keep you posted of other ARA MAGs events as they are announced.

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ARA Southern Garrison gets active

Posted 3/15/2014

ARA Southern Garrison MAGARA Southern Garrison MAG

It's a great pleasure to see ARA Members come together to share and promote their hobby in a constructive and inclusive way. ARA members are involved in many events around Australia in any given year but it's an extra special mention today for some of our members who are actively promoting both their own hobby as well as the ARA.

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Victorian Control of Weapons Exemption List Update

Posted 2/7/2014



Great news has just came in!

We have just heard from the Victorian Department of Justice that the ARA has been successful in it's application to be added to the Victorian Control of Weapons Exemption List for the benefit of our members in Victoria and for those members of other states who wish to participate in re-enactment events in Victoria.

The Department of Justice representative advises that the new Orders will be published within the next two months so if (and only if) the Department of Justice proceeds on schedule, ARA Members should expect to have their Victorian Control of Weapons Exemption in time for Easter 2014.

We will keep you posted and all ARA members will be notified directly via e-mail as soon as the Orders have been published.

It represents a significant milestone for the ARA.

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Member Affiliate Group Directory

Posted 1/11/2014

We are pleased to announce that we have added a Member Affiliate Group Directory to the ARA Website where you will find a list of some (but not all) of the groups that ARA Members enjoy their hobby with. 

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2014 Memberships

Posted 12/12/2013

Greetings everyone,
Exciting news for all current ARA members and those re-enactors who have been waiting for the end of 2013 to join the ARA.
We have paid our PL Policy for 2014 and have the Certificate of Currency in hand so 2014 Memberships are now available.

And you will be pleased to know that Ordinary Membership with Public Liability insurance cover is still just $20 for the 2014 calendar year. 

Just go to the Membership Applications and Renewals Page at the following link:

If you are a current ARA Member renewing your membership for 2014, use the Online Membership Renewal form which is streamlined and is quick to complete.
Once completed, we will aim to have your Membership Renewal processed within 7 days.

If you are a new member, joining us for the first time, please use the Online Membership Application. There's more to fill out but it's a one time thing and it has bearing on your ARA Membership.

Payments can still be made by cheque, EFT and PayPal. If your Member Affiliate Group is paying in a single group payment, please ensure that you know the payment reference.

If you have any difficulties, please email us.

ARA Admin
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