Greetings everyone,
Exciting news for all current ARA members and those re-enactors who have been waiting for the end of 2013 to join the ARA.
We have paid our PL Policy for 2014 and have the Certificate of Currency in hand so 2014 Memberships are now available.
And you will be pleased to know that Ordinary Membership with Public Liability insurance cover is still just $20 for the 2014 calendar year.
Just go to the Membership Applications and Renewals Page at the following link:
If you are a current ARA Member renewing your membership for 2014, use the Online Membership Renewal form which is streamlined and is quick to complete.
Once completed, we will aim to have your Membership Renewal processed within 7 days.
If you are a new member, joining us for the first time, please use the Online Membership Application. There's more to fill out but it's a one time thing and it has bearing on your ARA Membership.
Payments can still be made by cheque, EFT and PayPal. If your Member Affiliate Group is paying in a single group payment, please ensure that you know the payment reference.
If you have any difficulties, please email us.
ARA Admin